What we do
The Solar Promotion Society, registered in New Delhi with national level operations in India.
Its area of interests cover all aspects of renewable energy, including training, manpower, consultancy, incubation, R&D, EPC and it provides a common ground to all those concerned with the nature and utilization of this renewable non-polluting resource.
SOLAR PROMOTION SOCIETY is the unified voice of the Indian solar energy industry.
SOLAR PROMOTION SOCIETY is an umbrella organisation representing solar energy companies active along the whole photovoltaic value chain: project developers, manufacturers, engineering companies, financing institutions and other stakeholders.
Founded in 2016 by solar energy industry leaders with the vision to promote solar energy, SOLAR PROMOTION SOCIETY is a public trust based in New Delhi.
We are a group of people, united together to promote Solar Energy.Some members are already running solar business Others are aspiring solar entrepreneurs.
Legal : – Registered as society complete with all legal requirement of PAN & GST . MNRE – Channel partner . Industry Associate of skill council of green Jobs

Our mission
To become the leader in development of large scale solar installations, solar plants and solar parks and to promote and commercialize the use of solar energy to reach remotest corner of India.
To become leader in exploring new technologies and their deployment to harness solar energy.
“Be a pioneering, participant friendly and competitive institution for financing and promoting self-sustaining investment in energy generation from renewable Sources, Energy Efficiency and Environmental Technologies for sustainable development”.

Our vision
To build ‘Green India’ through harnessing abundant solar radiation and to achieve energy security for the country.
The following core values are ingrained in all we do at Mission Solar Energy. By adhering to these values, we create an atmosphere that ignites innovation and guarantees quality.
- Leadership
- Commitment
- Integrity
- Respect
- Collaboration
- Diversity
- Continuous Learning
As a leader in solar energy manufacturing, Mission Solar Energy adopts and promotes sustainable business practices aimed at reducing our environmental impact. From our offices to our factory, we act with the health of our planet in mind. Our environmental practices include but are not limited to:
- Reducing energy consumption
- Minimizing waste generation
- Use of products containing recycled materials, whenever possible
- Recycling waste materials whenever possible, both in our offices and factory
- Elimination of harmful facility emissions
The Main Objectives of the solar promotion society are:
To plan and execute an integrated programme on development and implementation of renewable energy projects
To own, manage, investigate, plan, promote, develop, design, construction, operation, maintenance, renovation, modernization of power projects in solar, on-shore/off-shore wind, geo-thermal, tidal, bio-gas, bio-mass, small hydro and other renewable energy sources in India and abroad
To carry on business of generation, forecasting, purchasing, producing, manufacturing, importing, exporting, exchanging, selling and trading in power products and services in India and abroad
To plan, develop, maintain, lease, hire, manage solar parks, infrastructure facilities, and all related ancillary facilities & services in India and abroad
To carry on the business of planning, investigation, survey, research, design and preparation of preliminary feasibility and detailed project reports, related to Power Projects in India and abroad
To co-ordinate the activities of its subsidiaries and Joint Venture Companies, to determine their economic and financial objectives / targets and to review, control, guide and direct their performance with a view to secure an optimum utilization of all resources placed at their disposal
To assist, carry out such directions as may be issued by the Administrative Ministry from time to time in executing, evolving, managing, overseeing and coordinating programmes and projects under Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission and all such other Programmes or Missions as may from time to time to be implemented
To establish, provide, maintain, conduct, scientific and technical research, experiments, pilot projects and tests of all kinds and to process, improve, innovate and invent new products, technologies, directly or in collaboration with other agencies in India & abroad to achieve commercialization
To engage in the business of performance monitoring, data analysis, resource assessment, cost engineering, technology forecasting, training & capacity building, skill development, promotion & awareness campaigns etc.in India and abroad
To promote, organize, conduct and render consultancy services in the related activities of the Company in India and abroad